What Is The Meaning Of The Hebrew Word ‘Shalom’
Shalom represents the idea of salvation in the Bible. Generally, the Hebrew word refers to someone who is safe, whole, and unharmed. It means “peace”- the absence of conflict or war.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus said,
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”
Considering these circumstances, it is evident that the term "peace" has an extraordinary significance. Jesus gives us peace, but what kind of peace is it? We need to reflect on the many aspects of shalom, which underlies the English word "peace," in order to better understand Jesus' words. The term shalom means so much more in Hebrew. The following articles offer some of the best explanations.
Inspired Blessing
The Hebrew word shalom, which is translated as "peace," and usually used when greeting and saying goodbye, has several distinct meanings. A more accurate translation of the word is peace, but shalom encompasses more than harmony.
Shalom means completeness, soundness, welfare, and peace, according to an article in Got Questions. In 1 Chronicles 12:18, it is translated as "success" and used to describe an inspired blessing.
Peace is achievable when two persons or entities, such as nations or individuals, are at peace with each other. Peace is also achievable when individuals and groups of persons are at peace within themselves.
We can trust in God's provision for all our needs. In the presence of His disciples, Jesus told them,
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Find more details about the true meaning of 'shalom' in this article:
Right Relationships
NIV gives this term several interpretations. This article discusses how Shalom is experienced from several viewpoints. Peace begins when all of one's relationships are right - within oneself, with others, and with God.
Shalom with God- The most fundamental meaning of shalom is to be reconciled to God. God can give or remove peace from our lives (Psalm 85:8; Jeremiah 16:5).
Shalom with Others- Shalom can also refer to peace between people and between parties. It means the end of hostilities and war (Deuteronomy 20:12; Judges 21:13).
Shalom within Oneself- Shalom is not only the presence of peace between two parties, but also the presence of peace within oneself. The person who trusts and relies on the Lord finds inner security, which makes them capable of sleeping well (Psalm 4:8).
It is Jesus who brings peace with our fellow human beings. We are able to maintain unity and love with others through continued forgiveness and patience because we are at peace with God.
The Absence Of War
“Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, ‘Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them: The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.’” (Numbers 6:23-26)
This is an ironic context for the Aaronic Blessing. While Israel was preparing to conquer the Promised Land, God told Aaron to bless them with peace.
It does not make sense if peace means "the absence of war," since they will probably destroy cities soon.
When God spoke of inner peace, He meant sharing in His care and protection. A blessing like that was needed for Israel!
Find out the meaning and explanation of the word of peace by reading this article by Dough Hersey:
What Life Should Be Like
The ancient Hebrew expression 'shalom', rooted in the word 'shalom', meant wholeness, completeness, good health, safety and prosperity. Its meaning implied permanence.
A quote from this article in Jews for Jesus was pointed out by Susan Perlman.
“Peace cannot be determined by our own biased viewpoints or selfish needs.”
So we can define "peace" as what life should be like. How does one decide what should be or what should not? In the case that we all get the type of peace we want, it will be imposed. Peace would come at the expense of someone else's vision of what peace could be. We don't determine peace by our own selfish desires or biased viewpoints. Neither can we use our turbulent society as a benchmark for peace. Is there anywhere else we can look other than ourselves? What criteria should we use to define "peace?"
Find out more about What is shalom and its true meaning here:
Wholeness Or Completeness
“Along with truth and justice, peace is among the most hallowed Jewish values.”
This was a quote on Dr. Aviezer Ravitzky’s article on My Jewish Learning.
Peace is derived from the Hebrew word shalom which denotes wholeness or completeness. It is related to the idea of shelemut or perfection in Jewish literature.
He explains that the significance of peace' does not limit itself to the political sphere - to the absence of war and animosity - or to the social sphere - to the absence of disagreement and strife. There are many aspects of this concept, and it can encompass physical conditions of abundance, a moral principle, as well as a cosmic principle and divine attribute.
Read this article to learn how to fully enjoy God's peace:
Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Let’s accept that One who paid the price for us to have peace. Shalom can be viewed in many ways, as described above. We must think beyond the world's one-sided definition of peace. Our understanding of it must come from the Bible, from the God of Israel.