What Is The Difference Between Agape, Eros And Phileo love

Love existed before the world was formed. The scriptures teach that God is the uncreated creator the first cause of everything else. It also teaches that God is love, therefore love has been since the beginning.

In today’s society, we only have one word for love and so we use the same word to casually describe how we feel about popcorn and how we feel about our mother.

If we read our meaning of love into the scriptures we might misunderstand and think he is calling us to have warm fuzzy feelings about everyone when he is really calling us to the action of putting someone else’s needs ahead of our own.

The Greek language was much more clear on exactly what they were referring to and actually had 7 different words for love. Today we are going to look at the 3 most commonly used.

The scripture contains unique forms of love. They are described in Greek -Eros (romantic love), Philia (brotherly love), and Agape (God's divine love or unconditional love). 

In this article, we’ll also discuss what biblical love really is and what complying with Jesus Christ's command to "love one another" means. It is important to understand the difference between these kinds of love if we want to live the way God instructs us.

God’s Love

Jack Zavada described the 3 types of love simply and clearly:

Eros- Cupid in Roman, the term is derived from the Greek mythological god of romance, love, and sexual desire. Eros is the love reserved for marriage in the Bible. Ancient Greek culture was rife with promiscuity. In the eastern Mediterranean, apostle Paul had to fight against it when establishing churches.

Philia- Describes the kind of love most Christians have for each other in the Bible. It describes the kind of bond seen in long-standing friendships. It is derived from the Greek term phílos  meaning "beloved, dear... loved intimately; a friend dearly held in close bond of affection." Scripture uses this term to refer to the most general type of love, which includes love for fellow humans, care, respect, and compassion. In Christianity, brotherly love unites believers.

Agape- The highest form of love in the Bible. It refers to the incomparable, immeasurable love of God for humanity. It is God's unconditional, sacrificial, and perfect love.

By the way he lived and died, Jesus Christ demonstrated God's love for his Father and for all humanity: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16).  Click here to see the full article

Love Is A Big Concept

In an article published in PaulEChapman.com, another explanation of the 3 types of love was given, along with corresponding Bible verses.

First, Eros was described as a sexual type of love. It is a kind of attraction that says “I want you”.The common use of this word today is Erotic which is not used in the Bible. Nevertheless, the concept is apparent throughout.

Song of Solomon 1:2–4

“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: For thy love is better than wine.

Secondly,  Phileo was viewed as a brotherly type of love. It is a kind of affection that says “I like you”. Among the common uses of the word today are: Philadelphia – City of Brotherly Love and Philanthropy – Love of Mankind.

Lastly, Agape was defined as a divine love which is expressed by the words “I commit to you.” This is the love of Christ. Love that is sacrificially committed. There is no reciprocation or cost to its love.

To read the entire article and learn the related Bible verses, click here

Love And Relationships

Got Questions also shared it’s points about the type of love found in the Bible.

As stated by the author, this is not meant to paint eros in a negative light. Relationships based on sexual desire aren't necessarily unclean or evil. Marriage is God's gift to married couples so that they can express their love for one another, strengthen their relationship, and ensure the survival of humanity. The Song of Solomon is a book entirely devoted to the blessings of erotic love. 

A husband and wife's love should include erotic elements among other things. In contrast, a long-term relationship based solely on eros will fail. In the absence of philia and agapé, sexual thrills quickly wear off. To understand it better, click here for more information. 

God Is Love 

A very detailed description of the types of love is provided by Dolores Smyth. She wrote that our needs for love begin the moment we are conceived, and our needs for love continue throughout our lives. According to the Bible, those who don't love do not know God, since God is love. 

The way Jesus loved us perfectly requires us to love each other equally. According to the Greek translation of Jesus' command to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:35). Despite our human weaknesses, agape love is nevertheless a worthy goal that we should strive toward in our lifelong words and actions.

The best way to understand phileo love is to see it as Storge love (the love between relatives) applied to non-family members (the love between friends). It is interesting to note that the Greek translation of the passage instructing us to "love one another as one's siblings" uses the Greek word philadelphia to emphasize it is good to love your neighbors as if they were your brothers and sisters (Romans 12:10).

Human beings have the ability to experience love as a powerful emotion. Christianity teaches that love is the test that proves a person's faith. God teaches us how to experience love in many forms and how to share it with others.

(John 13:34), “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.


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