How To Have A Relationship With God

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What Is The Definition Of Sin?

Sin is an inevitable part of our lives as human beings. The Bible clearly defines sin and gives many illustrations. From the Bible's examples, we learn that we can be saved from sin and spiritual death by believing in Jesus Christ.

What is the definition of sin? We commit sin when we “miss the mark” or break Gods law. In the Bible, sin is doing what is wrong or not doing what is right (1 John 3:4). Our sins separate us from God. 

Inherited, Imputed and Personal Sin

Got Questions described sin in the Bible as transgression of God’s law and rebellion against God. 

There are 3 types of sins: 

  1. Inherited sin- It began with Lucifer when his ambition was to be greater than God. This led to his demise and the beginning of sin. He was renamed Satan. In the Garden of Eden, he introduced sin to the human race, tempting Adam and Eve with the same promise, “you shall be like God.”

  2.  Imputed sin- A legal and financial concept. This means any action, word, or thing that is credited to someone else.

  3.  Personal sin-  Human beings commit this on a daily basis. As a result of inheriting a sin nature from Adam, we commit individual, personal sins. These sins can range from seemingly unintentional lies to murder.

The Sin of Cain

The author of mentioned that “sin is a riddle”, it is more than a single definition can encompass. In addition to offending people, sin is also violence and hatred toward others. According to the Bible, sin is a condition characterized by a corrupted heart and a tendency toward evil.

The sin of Cain was cited as an example demonstrating the severity of sin and that sins consequences can be permanent. Sin is also escalating: it is more deliberate. Cain confesses nothing, refuses to repent, and mocks God for the severity of his punishments. In many ways, Cain's sin and lack of repentance are a sign of sins to come. 

Sin contributes one thing despite its ugliness. God has demonstrated his amazing patience, grace, and love because of his choice to redeem his people from it. 

Nature of Sin

John F. MacArthur defined sin as “any lack of conformity to the moral character of God or the law of God. We sin by thinking evil, speaking evil, acting evil or omitting good.” In his article, he explained the 3 natures of sin: 

  1. Defilement- One who recognizes his sin for what it really is. Defiling begins with purity. You defile something when you make it dirty or lose its pure nature. Burning a Bible or spray-painting a church would be an act of defilement as would words that tear others down defile the tongue. 

  2. Rebellion- The sinner offends God by trampling on God's law, by trampling on God's character, by violating God's will, by mocking God.

  3. Ingratitude-  God provided everything we need but the sinner is ungrateful for God's grace including his mercy. God is betrayed by the sinner who becomes a friend of Satan.

Sinners who repent and ask for forgiveness in faith are still welcomed by God. May He bring many sinners to repentance and salvation. Read more in this blog

The Ten Commandments

According to an article published on, there are many examples of sin found in the Bible. 

God condemns hundreds of sins in the Bible. Fortunately, Moses was given a number of them in the Ten Commandments. Though in the new covenant we are no longer under the Mosaic law It is important for us to adhere to the moral aspect of these laws that give us guidance and protection. We are loved by God. He wants to provide us with wisdom and keep us from damaging choices. 

Summary of the Ten Commandments:

1. Do not have any other god before God

2. Do not make yourself an idol

3. Do not take the Lord's name in vain

4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy

5. Honor your mother and father

6. Do not murder

7. Do not commit adultery

8. Do not steal

9. Do not testify or fear false witness against your neighbor

10. Do not covet

Transgression: Choosing Wrong Instead Of Right

An interesting topic was shared in Just Disciple about transgression. Transgression is a sin that is a consequence of our unrighteousness. It goes beyond just having a sinful and flawed character. 

We transgress when we know right from wrong, but choose the wrong path. It is not just that we choose wrong, but it is intentional. We are transgressing when we disobey orders and do our own thing.

Even those who pursued after God and were commended for their faith fell short when we examine many characters throughout the Bible. Read more in this article to further understand the Bible’s definition of sin and why it matters.

If we understand the Bible's definition of sin, it becomes clear that we do not act as we should. The reality is that humans constantly sin, and none of us can save ourselves on our own. We can better understand the effect of sin on our lives when we understand what sin is.

The judgment of God is due to all who have sinned. To satisfy that judgment, God sent His only Son. Despite living a sinless life, Jesus Christ paid for our sins by dying for us, taking the punishment that we deserve, buried, and rising from death. Believe and trust Jesus. Receive Him as the only Savior and we will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God.

Here are some recommended readings for a closer relationship with God.

Powerful Things You Should Know About God’s Love For You

What Is The Book Of Life?