What Does The Sovereignty Of God Mean?
God Is Sovereign
He is in absolute control of all things - an all-powerful, all-knowing being who is the ultimate source of everything. He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.
Yet God’s sovereignty and our human responsibility come hand in hand. As much as God is in control and reigns sovereign, he has allowed for the human will to play a role within his framework. How these two truths co-exist is a mystery we may never fully comprehend this side of heaven. In light of his nature of perfect love and justice, his sovereignty should bring us comfort as we can rest assured that our lives are in the hands of a loving father who promises that even when things look bleak he will work all things together for good.
To say that God is sovereign is to declare that God is God.
“In him, we live and move and have our being.”
“For by him, all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him, all things hold together.”
Dr. Geisler shares insights about this in his book, Systematic Theology, saying, “sovereignty is God's control over His creation, dealing with His governance over it: sovereignty is God's rule over all reality."
Got Questions adds that God’s “sovereignty” means that He is absolute in authority and unrestricted in His supremacy. Everything that happens is, at the very least, the result of God’s permissive will. This holds true even if certain specific things are not what He would prefer. The right of God to allow mankind’s free choices is just as necessary for true sovereignty as His ability to enact His will, wherever and however He chooses.
“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.”
“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”
“God is in control of all things and rules over all things. He has power and authority over nature, earthly kings, history, angels, and demons. Even Satan himself has to ask God’s permission before he can act.”
These verses express that God is powerful, all-knowing, the source of everything, and the sole Creator - such divine traits that suggest God’s sovereign control. The fact that God is sovereign essentially means that He has the power, wisdom, and authority to do anything He chooses within His creation.
God’s Lordship Over All Things
John Frame wrote an interesting essay in The Gospel Coalition where he shares that the major components of God’s lordship are his control, authority, and covenantal presence.
His control means that everything happens according to his plan and intention.
It also embodies his authority: what the Lord commands, his creatures must do.
His presence is everywhere, or as theologians say, he is omnipresent.
As Lord, God not only controls everything but also utters commands, words of life, that graciously govern the ongoing life of His creatures. And as Lord, he has made a sovereign commitment to be “with” those who are his. Indeed, God’s sovereignty is a broad concept, including all that God is and all that he does, even embracing his love.
Two Truths: God’s Sovereignty and our Human Responsibility
Chip Ingram reveals the Biblical truth about God’s perspective on how to live the Christian life in today’s culture. He shares that the first time he heard the word “sovereign” was during college during a Christian Bible study when tragic news had come to them. A group member uttered the words, “I know it’s a terrible situation, but I know God is sovereign.”
“He existed before anything else and He holds all creation together.”
He shares more about this claim on Living On The Edge’s article where he says,
When I think of sovereignty, the phrase I like best is that “God is in control.” And that’s such a comfort.
Here’s why. When a loved one lies in a hospital bed, God is in control. When we think of our most difficult times with a child, God is in control. When a close friend is in ICU, God is in control. When the economy — national or personal — is on a slide, God is in control.
God’s sovereignty and our human responsibility come hand in hand. As much as God is in control and reigns sovereign, it is our duty to find comfort in that truth, to continue to worship and pray as we humble ourselves before him.
God’s Sovereign Rule Over Our Life
In light of this, how do we respond when things are out of our control when evil and trials overwhelm us and test our faith? Some might ask, If God is sovereign, why do these things still happen, and why are they allowed to happen?
All About God’s article expresses how divine sovereignty is a vast subject.
It embraces everything that comes into the biblical picture of God as Lord and King in His world, the One who works all things after the counsel of His own will, directing every process and ordering every event for the fulfilling of His own eternal plan.
Consequently, no matter what we face in life, we can take comfort in the fact that God has the best intentions in our lives.