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A Guide to Christian Fasting

What is the reason behind not eating food or giving something else up in life? The importance of fasting is that it helps Christians connect to God better. Christians are also able to focus on God without distraction. Fasting is not "earning" an answer to prayer. God cannot be blackmailed by human effort. God wants to answer our prayers and He answers out of grace. Fasting simply helps cut out the distractions of the world to heighten our awareness and focus.

There are over 10 different reasons that people fasted in the bible including building self-discipline to help overcome temptation, focusing on prayer, seeking God’s guidance, worship, and many more.

God worked in extraordinary ways through his people as they fasted in the Bible. God's ways remain the same even though fasting looks different today than it did then. Our hearts are re-aligned when we take the focus off ourselves and focus on God. The purpose of fasting is to draw closer to Him. In those times when life presents us with unique challenges or decisions that need to be made, it's important to turn to God, and fasting strengthens our focus on Him. Below you will find information about Christian fasting, including how you go about doing it.

One important side note that must be addressed before we begin. Today’s society differs from ancient cultures in that eating disorders and obsession with physical appearances have become a much larger issue.

If you have ever struggled with an eating disorder I would recommend fasting from something like technology instead of food. The end goal is to put your complete focus on God, if your true motivations for the fast are coming from an unhealthy mental space, it is not going to do any good for your body or soul.

Fasting for Beginners

It was explained in Desiring God that fasting refers to voluntarily denying oneself food or any other good thing he or she regularly enjoys for some spiritual purpose. Beginners can find a guide on how to fast in the article. 

1. Start small - Start with one meal; maybe fast one meal a week, then try two meals, you don’t have to jump straight into a daylong fast. 

2. Plan what you’ll do instead of eating- Determine the spiritual purpose for not eating and plan an activity instead. 

3. Consider how it will affect others-  If you eat regularly with colleagues, family, etc., assess how your abstaining will affect them. If you feel comfortable sharing, let them know ahead of time so they don’t feel you are ignoring them. 

4. Try different kinds of fasting - Consider fasting together with your family, small group, or church.

5. Fast from something other than food-  Depending on your health, consider fasting from television, computer, social media, or some other regular enjoyment.

6. Don’t think of white elephants- Don’t be content to let your mind dwell on the fact that you haven’t eaten.

Fasting Brings Great Surprises 

Building Faith published an article based on Matthew Kozlowski's interview with Jacques Hadler in 2016. There was a very powerful quote here stating:

“The main purpose of fasting involves the question: What am I desiring to be filled with?”

There are 3  easy steps to fast according to the article: Identify a purpose, commit to a time period and consider liquids. He also shared valuable tips when fasting such as avoiding television and exercise.

Jacques Hadler also shared that he had experienced some wonderful surprises as a result of fasting. He found he had more energy or enough energy to keep doing his usual activities. Fasting also brought him serenity.

Fasted Prayer 

Together with prayer, fasting is one of the most powerful tools we have for spiritual struggles. For beginners, here are 7 easy steps to fasted prayer based on Abide and Seek.   

1. Begin small- Think about how you would like to start your day.

2. Plan The Fast- Know how long you intend to fast ahead of time.

3. Pre-Fast Prayer- Before you begin your fast, get your heart in the right place first and ask God to open the eyes of your heart.

4. Preparation For The Fast- Remember that fasted prayer is not about losing weight or depriving yourself of food, it’s about dedicating time and focusing intently on prayer.

5. Fasted Prayer- The author shared that during his fasting, he ended up just praying continuously throughout the day because God kept putting people and circumstances on his heart.

6. Drink Plenty of Water- Drinking water is crucial. Stay hydrated.

7. End The Fast Slowly- Ease back into food if you have fasted for more than 24 hours. Otherwise, you could end up making yourself sick or uncomfortable.

Biblical Fasting

How does biblical fasting work? How can someone do it today? These are just some questions answered in a guide written by Brittany Yesudasan in Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ International in the U.S). The article explains what fasting is and how it works for Christians.

  • Do Christians Need to Fast? 

In Jesus' culture, it was weird for a religious person to not fast. The disciples of John the Baptist, an important prophet who prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry, often fasted.

  • Prayer and Fasting in the Bible

Bible references fasting both in the Old Testament (which was written before Jesus' ministry, death, and resurrection) and the New Testament (written after).

  • What Does Fasting Accomplish?

Biblical fasting isn't necessarily about how God responds to your prayers: it's more about the way you bring them to God.

  • How to Do a Biblical Fast

Christians practice two types of fasts today: Partial Fast which is an abstinence only from “delicacies” like meat and wine. Second is a Complete fast which means drinking water only or sometimes juice when fasting for an extended period. In this section, it was discussed how to prepare for the fast until the end. 

  • Fasting and Medical Safety

Fasts lasting longer than three days should be discussed with your physician. Before you begin also make sure you don’t have any blood sugar issues.

Fasting Makes You Closer To God 

The Bible mentions fasting as a practice. The Bible contains numerous examples of people fasting.

  • Moses after a 40 day fast received the 10 commandments (Exodus 34:28)

  • Daniel was blessed with wisdom beyond anyone else after a 21 day fast (Daniel 10:2)

  • Esther called for a 3 day fast. Resulting in the Jews being spared from persecution. (Esther 4:16)

  • Jesus began His ministry after fasting 40 days (Matthew 4:1-11)

Read more about The Ultimate Guide to Christian Fasting for Beginners written by Tyler Inloes. This article contains a great deal of information including tips, planning, and fasting results. 

In Christian fasting, the emphasis is on God or God's work in the world.  Your journey is a personal one and is between you and God. Let us humble ourselves and set aside our worldly desires. By doing this, we can focus our hearts and prayers to remove any barriers that may be in the way of God's plan.