How To Have A Relationship With God

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A Family For Every Child

These are 3 of my favorite adoption stories that’ll inspire your faith and make you believe in miracles. Every story is a reflection of what God is working toward in each of us. As our adoptive Father, He works tirelessly to bring us to Him. May our lives reflect the true nature of familial love in these stories and the spirit of adoption that He unconditionally works in us.

Letting Love Win: A Down Syndrome Adoption Story

When Jade and David Presnell felt called to adopt an older boy with Down syndrome, they learned to overcome their fears — and let love win.

Excerpt from the article: 

When people say that God “calls” them to do something, I always imagined it to be a gentle nudge — a sweet, tender hand on the shoulder urging you forward, steady and loving. But for us, it felt a little more uncertain and unsettling — scary even.

We questioned if we were ready to be parents, how our families would respond to our decision, could we come up with the necessary funding, and whether we were truly capable of providing the best possible life for an adopted child, particularly one with unique needs. To be transparent, adoption had come up occasionally over the years, but we had never sat down and had a real discussion about it.

But the more we prayed and opened our hearts to this child, the more we knew that we could not ignore this part of God’s plan for us. We pushed aside our fears, worries and uncertainties and moved forward in trust and faith.

It was the best decision we ever made.

Fast forward and our sweet son, Micah, has been a part of our family for five months now and it has been the most incredible adventure! Micah is so full of light and love. He has changed our lives for the better and the hearts of all of those who know him. He is incredibly loved by our families and friends. He is full of joy and laughter. He works hard and loves to help others. Micah is a warrior, a comedian, a helper, an empath, a learner, a mover, and a lover of all.

It doesn’t take an extraordinary person or people to adopt. It just takes love, perseverance, and patience — like ALL great things. I am thankful for a God whose plan is bigger, better, and more incredible than anything we could ever imagine. Adoption is so special, but it doesn’t take special people to adopt — only imperfect, faith-filled people who are willing to take a chance at something magical.

Mom Learns Her 2 Adopted Kids Are Biological Siblings: 'They Were Meant to Find Each Other'

Katie Page, of Parker, Colorado, says she couldn't ignore the similarities between her son and daughter when she took them in one year apart.

Excerpt from the article: 

A Colorado mother got the surprise of a lifetime when she learned that her two adopted children are biologically brother and sister.

Katie Page, of Parker, Colorado, had just adopted Grayson, now 2, in May 2017 when she received a call about a month later that a baby girl, Hannah, now 1, was in need of a foster home. She immediately took the little girl in and quickly recognized some similarities between the two little ones.

Page believed the babies came from different mothers, as the biological mother had listed different last names when placing the babies for adoption. No one at the adoption agency suspected the babies were siblings either. Page, a single mother, says her family and friends were in disbelief when she brought up the possibility.

Page began to unfold the mystery and eventually learned that Hannah and Grayson did have the same mother. Page confirmed the news with a DNA test, and she says the kids being related made it easier for her to officially adopt Hannah in December 2018.

For now, Page says, Grayson and Hannah are having a blast getting to know each other.

“Life with them is never dull and boring. They are two peas in a pod. Especially now that both are walking,” Page gushes.

Milan woman to become a mom to dying friend’s children

A Milan woman is making an incredible move to make sure her best friend's last wish comes true.

Excerpt from the article: 

It is a friendship that's meant to be.

Armstrong and her friend Sara have been inseparable since, through the good times, and the bad.

Their friendship would soon go through the ultimate test, right before the holidays.

"She said she can deal with the fact that she's dying, but she can't deal with the fact that her kids will be split," said Armstrong.

Sara, a mother of three little kids, just wanted to know they would be taken care of.

"She would do it for me," said Armstrong, who decided to adopt Sara's kids, "She just balled and was like are you kidding me and she said 'you swear' and I said 'yeah'."

With Christmas just around the corner, it's heartbreaking to hear Sara's days are numbered.

"My main focus was to make sure that the kids had a good Christmas because I wasn`t sure that Sara was going to be here," said Rhonda Debruyn, one of Armstrong's friends.

Debruyn wanted to help out, so posted on Facebook, asking for Christmas gifts, and she got them.

"I know there are good people out there, but to see it happen for me is just kind of overwhelming," said Armstrong.

For a family not expecting a Christmas miracle, they're hoping to bring a little bit of cheer at a time where there seems to be none.

"They deserve it, they really do, it's been a rough road," said Armstrong.

Adoption stories such as that of Micah, Grayson, Hannah, Cayden, Micah, and Amara are a testament to God’s work and familial love.

What does it mean to be adopted into God’s family? Adoption by God means he makes us members of His family. We are welcomed in His family through His everlasting, unconditional love that he has for us,  and what an extraordinary miracle of life it is to have Him as our Father!

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