How To Have A Relationship With God

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5 Good Reasons to Trust God’s Timing

Sometimes it seems as though we are waiting forever for what we desire to come to pass. It can feel frustrating but we must remember that no matter how things may look God is always working on our behalf. 

God's timing is always perfect. God is never early or late. At the right time, God will provide for our needs. At the right time, God will deliver and rescue us. 

If you have been struggling in a waiting period, Here are 5 good reasons to trust God’s timing.

He Knows The Past, Present, And Future

One of the reasons explained in an article in Daily She pursues, says God knows the future and the past and everything he plans comes to pass. 

Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass,. (Isaiah 46:10)

We don't know everything, but God does. He sees everything from a different perspective than we do.

We must trust that if he loves us more than we love ourselves, if he is powerful enough to place all the stars in the sky then it must also be true that he is working out all things together for our good just like he promises. 

He Is Always On Time

As written in, God is not bound by time. There is no rush since the due date doesn’t worry Him. He has a calendar planned for everything and He always meets the deadline. 

It is okay if you do not achieve or get everything you want based on your timeline. God is not panicked and anxious. Be calm and ask God for peace and more faith instead of getting frustrated. Let go of your worries. It might look different then you thought but the right thing will happen when it's meant to, if you follow God's lead.

In light of eternity we should never feel like we are “running out of time. We aren't. If we are in a frustrating stage we must remember that the story isn’t finished yet. God's good plans for you are not distant or delayed; his timing is just like him...perfect. 

There is no Fear of Missing Out

Lisa Appelo discussed an interesting take in iBelieve. With social media, it’s easy to feel that you are missing out on a lot of opportunities. As you browse online, you’ll see your friends getting promotions at work, businesses succeeding, or meeting the love of their life. 

The timing of God is perfect, so you won't miss out. Some examples in the Bible were cited: 

  • Sarah and Abraham were disappointed that they hadn't conceived, but God revealed Himself through the process. 

  • As Joseph suffered in prison, God was working to move him to be in the perfect position to save his people. 

  •  (Phil 1:12) In prison, Paul understood that the chains were actually advancing the gospel.

Trust God’s Plan

Out of every story in the bible I can not remember one that ends with God forgetting his people. If you are stuck between a red sea and an army and it looks like there is no way out, remember that God is capable of parting that sea. He can bring supernatural solutions to everyday problems. 

A good reminder was mentioned in Busy Blessed Women


Colossians 1:16-17- 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 

Creation and time began with God.  He holds everything together, so we can trust His timing and plans.

  • Wait

  • Pray

  • Make it a habit to trust

  • Remember his past provisions

  • Continue to Walk in Faith

God sees the bigger picture. Place your trust in his wisdom, plans, and sovereignty.

From Seedtime to Harvest

To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1

I find this very motivating, especially when I am waiting. Having this in mind, lets us realize that we all live in different seasons. While you are still in the planting season, don't be envious of someone who is enjoying harvest. Just like you, they had to go through a growing season. Seeing the success they are having should be an encouragement. 

Believe that God is doing the very best for you at the moment. The seedtime represents learning God's will. Every time we choose God's will over our own, we’re planting a good seed that will yield a harvest in our lives. Getting caught up in the world's system and doing whatever you want isn't going to give you the victory you desire. Learn more in Joyce Meyer’s blog here.  

The waiting can be difficult in today's fast-paced world,  but with God's help, you'll be able to endure. These are some of the reasons we should trust God's timing. This list helped me to be reminded how important it is and  I hope it helped you too.  It's because we trust Him that we are able to trust His timing. When we have faith that He is who He claims to be, we are compelled to trust what He tells us. Keep the faith, hold on, and trust.

For a deeper relationship with God, here are some recommended readings.

 How To Trust God In The Middle of Uncertainty

A Busy Person's Guide To Spending Time With God Throughout The Day