How To Have A Relationship With God

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The Genuine God

 So you’ve been sitting at home during the pandemic and you’ve had some eye-opening realizations. 

All the things you thought mattered seem kind of vain and empty now. all the things you found security in seem unsure. And your mind is starting to wonder if maybe there is something more to life. Being faced with death everywhere makes you wonder what really does happen after we leave this planet. 

You start to think about the stories you used to hear about God and for a brief moment wondering if there is something there worth looking into… 

But before you can entertain the thought for very long you start to remember why you didn’t entertain this idea before. 

All of the hypocrisy. There was Anabelle in high school who used to judge everyone thinking she was all high and mighty. The youth pastor who was inappropriate with one of your friends, family members who used to manipulate you with fear tactics just so you would do what they wanted and the list goes on. 

Holding up the name of Christ has been some of the most judgmental, unloving people you’ve met and you would rather wear a tin hat than be associated with all of that. 

So you push these thoughts out of your head and go back to the mundane day-to-day activities and just try not to think about anything that really matters like the real meaning of life. 

If this sounds like you then please keep reading because too many people have missed out on the greatest adventure of their life over a lie. 

Regardless of what people may call themselves people who hate, judge, or make other kids of God feel less than are not following God (at least not at that moment.) The Bible itself says “any man who claims to love God but hates his neighbor is a liar and the love of God cannot be in him”.

The American church has sometimes become the opposite of everything God actually taught far too often forgetting that Christ’s central message was grace

There was a time in my life where I also felt very unfairly judged by the church but I finally realized that some of the people who I considered “the church” were just people who went to a Sunday club ... they couldn’t possibly be the real church because by definition the church or a Christian is someone who follows the teachings of God and they proved by their actions that they did not. 

On the other hand, I have also been responsible for doing these very things to others genuinely thinking I was following God in those conversations so I also ask you to have grace with those who are having a hard time showing it. The gospel never says anything about Christians being better than anyone or being perfect people they are simply as the bumper sticker says people who are grateful that they are forgiven. I believe I am part of God’s family but not because I earned it but because I accepted a free pardon that is available to everyone and anyone who wants it. 

People in Santal used a term called “Thakur Jiu” which means the genuine God

If you have a picture of God in your head that is off-putting because of false Christians or imperfect Christians I implore you to let go of that false image of God and embrace the true God

There is a famous quote by C.S. Lewis that said how do I know a crooked line unless there was a straight line to compare it with.

That perfect love is the true God. I realized it wasn’t actually God that I despised in those people; it was a lack of God (love) that I saw many Christians demonstrating that made me mad. 

So while I would never encourage you to join a club of judgmentalism and hate, don’t let disdain for that version of God stop you from abiding with (the genuine God).

Click here to learn more about how you can restore your relationship with God.

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