Get your eyes off of the storm and on to the storm calmer.
Every moment there are choices of what to think about and focus on. We can choose to focus on what is "true, noble, right, pure and lovely." In all the ways God has been faithful to mankind throughout history and the amazing promises he has for our future.
We can meditate on the truth that, "the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in us". Renewing our mind on these truths lead to actions of faith, that have allowed mere men to walk on water, pray down rain from heaven and stop the sun. It also allows us, like Paul, to rest and experience peace, and all the fruits of the spirit, no matter what circumstance we are facing.
However, the same man who walked on water, sunk when he turned his thoughts to the storm. The same man who took on the prophets of Ball and called down rain and fire from heaven; ran and hid in a cave from an angry woman when he took his thoughts off how big his God was and turned them to how scary the battle was.
Whatever we focus on is what we are going to feel. Whichever side we allow to consume our thoughts is the side that will consume our lives. Cultivating a mind of faith is the difference between living in the power and rest God desires for us or living in anxiety and depression.
“I lay before you life and death choose life.”
I want you to notice in the story of Elijah His act of faith and act of fear are only a few days apart. He has just killed the prophets of Ball, he has already seen fire come down from heaven. Why is he now looking at this new situation as though it's hopeless? Has he forgotten the power of God that's available to him in only a few short days? It seems to be yes. God's power has not changed, Elijah's ability to receive that power has not changed, but Elijah's mindset has changed.
His mind is no longer set on God's power, it is set on the scary circumstance, and his mindset changes everything. When I read these stories my initial reaction is that Elijah is crazy.
However I must also admit I've always felt like Elijah was my twin brother. Because this was me so many times throughout my life .. God would show me amazing faithfulness and then something would happen and instantly I'm back to fear anger, discontent, unbelief or questioning God. I am so grateful that God is patient with us.
When we face scary circumstances we would do well to remember that the God we serve created the entire universe. He promises to work all things together for our good even when we cant see or understand them.
The God who named the stars gave very clear instructions on how we are to face storms. We are to rest through them just like he did when he was caught in a literal storm in the middle of a lake. When the disciples got scared of the wind he was almost offended as it was as if they had forgotten who it was that was in the boat with them. Have you forgotten who you have in the boat with you? If you have, take some time out today to reset your mind on the goodness and power of God.
“… says the battle is the lords.
Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle [is] not yours, but God’s.”
Pastor prince says we fight by feeding on God's truth and resting in his love. we need only 5 words to win:
When the diagnosis says positive you whisper confidently, the battle is the Lord’s.
When your spouse or kids are going astray you say, the battle is the Lord’s.
and when lies rise up in your mind you shout, the battle is the Lord’s.
He is faithful, we need only to rest in the promise that he is a good father.
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
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